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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. 199-457

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Approximate Cyclic Reduction for Solving Poisson's Equation

Paul N. Swarztrauber

pp. 199-209

A Note on Downdating the Cholesky Factorization

A. W. Bojanczyk, R. P. Brent, P. van Dooren, and F. R. de Hoog

pp. 210-221

Computation of Eigenvalues Associated with Functional Differential Equations

A. Manitius, H. Tran, G. Payre, and R. Roy

pp. 222-247

Symbolic Givens Reduction and Row-Ordering in Large Sparse Least Squares Problems

George Ostrouchov

pp. 248-264

On the Approximation of Derivatives of Singularly Perturbed Boundary Value Problems

V. Ervin and W. Layton

pp. 265-277

The Numerical Solution of the Three-Dimensional Inverse Scattering Problem for Time Harmonic Acoustic Waves

David Colton and Peter Monk

pp. 278-291

Local Uniform Mesh Refinement with Moving Grids

William D. Gropp

pp. 292-304

Accurate Conservative Remapping (Rezoning) for Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Computations

John K. Dukowicz and John W. Kodis

pp. 305-321

Practical Aspects of Interpolation in Runge-Kutta Codes

I. Gladwell, L. F. Shampine, L. S. Baca, and R. W. Brankin

pp. 322-341

Parallel Solution of ODE's by Multiblock Methods

Moody T. Chu and Hans Hamilton

pp. 342-353

Solving Tridiagonal Systems on Ensemble Architectures

S. Lennart Johnsson

pp. 354-392

Interpolatory Tension Splines with Automatic Selection of Tension Factors

R. J. Renka

pp. 393-415

On Large Scale Nonlinear Least Squares Calculations

Ph. L. Toint

pp. 416-435

A Generalized Pulse-Spectrum Technique (GPST) for Determining Time-Dependent Coefficients of One-Dimensional Diffusion Equations

X. Y. Liu and Y. M. Chen

pp. 436-445

Estimating Nonlinear Models by Maximum Likelihood for the Exponential Family

M. R. Osborne

pp. 446-456

Errata: A Domain-Decomposed Fast Poisson Solver on a Rectangle

Tony F. Chan and Diana C. Resasco

p. 457